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Re: [Devel] Synchronising Linux and Windows passwords

Am Samstag, den 26 Juli hub Petter Reinholdtsen folgendes in die Tasten:

> We spoke about using /etc/ldap.secret, and he said it was a bad idea.
> I agree with him, both because it will give anyone able to read the
> file full access to the LDAP database, 

If someone can read this file (=he is root!), we'll other problems...

> but also because it will be
> very hard to make sure the file is correct across lots of hosts in a
> large network.

But your are right, if we can use LDAP without this file, it will be
a good security improvement.
I'm interested in any hints to this topic.

Max, still playing with PAM and Samba

	Follow the white penguin.

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