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Re: [Devel] Re: CVS update: skolelinux/src/webmin-ldap-skolelinux fileimport-example.txt

[Andreas Schuldei]
> other limitations (according what you said at debcamp) are usernames
> and groupnames should be less then / equal 8 chars.

Yes.  Lots of tools are unable to handle longer user/group names
properly, so there is not smart to create longer names.  The names
should be lower case ascii only (can include digits, as long as the
digit is not the first character).

> what is the preferred algorithm of converting "Digernes Ine Høyland"
> into a proper login name? (c:

I believe one such algorithm was coded into wls2, based on a few
examples I gave the students pointers to.  One need to map non-ascii
characters into some ascii character.  For norwegian æøå, there are
two competing mappings æ->e, ø->o, å->a and æ-ae, ø->oe, å->aa.  The
algorithm used is not so important.  Any will do, as long at it is
fairly easy to replace it (some schools want to make up their own
naming schema).  I guess the current implementation in wls2 is good
enough for now, but I haven't tested it myself.