8. Exporting to video

By now you should have a nice animation of your own. It's time to make a video file of it. The first thing you need to do is to install an video encoder. If you have mplayer installed you should already have one you can use.

Go to the Configure menu (Settings->Configure Stopmotion (Ctrl-P)). and press the Video Export tab. You should now get a list of video export settings:

Figure 9. The Video Export menu

You can select one of these provided you have the programs they use or you can add one of your own. To edit one of the present preferences press the Edit button, or use the Add button to add a new setting. When you have set up a video export setting you can close the Configure menu by pressing the OK button.

To export your animation to a video file just press File->Export->Video (Ctrl-Alt-V) and you should have a video file of your exellent animation. Tell your friends!