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[Devel] Re: Backup-project.

torsdag 28. august 2003, 12:52, skrev Morten Werner Olsen:
> Hello!
> This autumn I am going to have a school-project where I will set up a
> working backupsystem for Skolelinux. The requirements for a
> backupsystem have been discussed on the linuxiskolen-mailinglist
> (Norwegian), but Finn-Arne asked me to translate the Requirement
> Specification to english to include our friends in other contries too.
> Now the translation of the Requirement Specification (draft-mode) is
> finished [1]. I would be very happy if you could take a look at it and
> point out things I have forgotten/not specified good enough.

I'd like to suggest a new chapter or paragraph:

Desirable Features
It is desirable that the backup is managed through the WebMin interface. Such 
a module should

- Define all files and directories to be backed up at each server
- Define  off-site or on-site machines where backup should be stored on daily, 
weekly and monthly basis
- Check the quality of back up files (monitor file sizes, numbers, 
successful/failed logins, disk full, disk bust etc)
- Define mail, SMS recepients in case of troble and errors
- Maintain logs
- Define backup frequencies and times
- Provide browser facilities to retrieve files from backup
- Restore data
- Define syslog monitoring and alarm policies

Hope this is of any use
