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Re: [Devel] Re: Transition: new PAM config file handling in unstable

[Steve Langasek]
> I'm fairly certain that neither Sam nor I would have the time to
> work on this piece ourselves before sarge's release, but if you're
> able to prepare a suitable tool for managing authentication choices,
> it's possible it could still be considered for inclusion in sarge.

It will need to be designed first, so we better get started. :)

As I see it, there are at least these issues here:

 - setting in NSS selection order (/etc/nsswitch.conf)
 - setting up PAM selection order (/etc/pam.d/*)
 - setting in the module specific config (like /etc/pam_ldap.conf,
   /etc/libnss-ldap.conf and /etc/yp.conf).

I am not sure if this is enough, and how much flexibility the system
should provide.  Should the user just select files, NIS, LDAP,
Kerberos, SMB, and this will enable a fixed configuration, or should
the user be able combine at will, and a reasonable configuration be
generated?  I believe the first option is most useful to new users and
first time installs.

Skolelinux can provide a set of working configuration files for LDAP.