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[Devel] Re: Transition: new PAM config file handling in unstable

[Steve Langasek]
> - At a later date, it will be possible to support tools for
>   debconf-based management of the authentication subsystem so that
>   administrators can seamlessly integrate workstations into (e.g.)
>   Kerberos, LDAP, or Windows NT authentication realms.  No work has
>   been done yet to develop these tools, and they are unlikely to be
>   ready in time for sarge; but this is a realistic goal for sarge+1,
>   or for customized installers based on sarge.

Skolelinux is currently setting up LDAP at install time, and would
love to have a more standardized way to do it.  At the moment, we just
replace the files in /etc/pam.d/, and edit /etc/nsswitch.conf,
/etc/pam_ldap.conf and /etc/libnss-ldap.conf.

Is there anything we can do to assist the progress of the system to
automatically set up LDAP/NIS/whatever at install time?  We would love
to be able to do this in a policy-compliant way. :)