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Re: [Devel] samba, ldap, windows integration

Am Dienstag, den 12 August hub Vidar Bakke folgendes in die Tasten:

> Hi all
> Integration of Windows based computers is a absolute requirement.
> The new school year is only a few days away and we haven't been
> able to provide a PR release with windows integration working
> out of the box (yet).

I change some configfiles in the CVS to make samba-support possible.
Though the two ldap-schemas needed by samba (inetOrgPerson and
sambaAccount) are included in the ldap-tree.
The smb.conf is allready ready to run with ldap, the only two things
which have to be done is to set the password for the accont supplied
to samba (could be done with cfengine, I guess - I will test that if
I find a minute :-)) and create the LDAP-entries used by samba
(The last thing could be done by smbpasswd, but I guess there's a better
 way, e.g. do this via the user admin interface.)

> Samba is ok, but the use of ldap causes some problems.
> (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.skolelinux.linux-i-skolen/7808/ 
> match=skolelinux+samba)

As I understand the article (I guessed from the log-entries) there
someone did not set the ldap-password for the account supplied to
samba in it's config file.
Do so with "smbpasswd -w <password>" (I know thats bad, because one
can read it, but AFAIK there is no other chance)

> Is the refuse-to-talk-to-ldap bug the only problem?

If you mean the given website, this is no real bug, it's only an unset
password :-)

> (plus the mass creation/deletion of users function in webmin)

> What are the must-have and nice-to-have functions missing?

In Germany we want to equip some schools with skolelinux and *have* to
use samba because of lots of existing win-dos clients.
I can set up this manually, but it would be nice, if these things are
done automatically, so I will deal with cfengine, do get this done.


	Follow the white penguin.