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Re: [Devel] Re: about skolelinux - joining efforts?


On 22 Jun 2003 22:48:33 +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@xxxxxxxxxx>

> [Paolo M. Pumilia]
> > My opinion is that installation procedure of network services should
> > be modular, to allow the operator to install different servers on
> > different stations (e.g., proxy server on a dedicated machine,
> > firewall, on another one, and so on).
> My opinion is that the installation procedure should be as simple as
> possible, to get the teacher responsible for the computer up and
> running in no time.  Every extra question, and every extra option make
> it harder for a person with no Linux experience to get Skolelinux
> working.

Well, we had a problem with this here. We had some teachers of different
experience install Skolelinux and the first thing they asked us was a
way to control that automatism, like a question in the beginning asking
"what priority questions should I ask" so if a change IS needed to the
standart instalation procedure, it can be done easy by answering "low"
or "medium" to the first question, enter trough the rest of them and
change the option that has to be changed.

For example it sometimes would be very usefull to be able to change the
address field of the school server and the whole class from the default to, for example or even to some real ip's.

Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigarius@xxxxxxxxxx
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