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[Devel] Re: about skolelinux - joining efforts?

From Karl Sarnow, Jun 22:
 >Please also try the SuSE 8.2 LiveEval CDROM. You can download it from 
 >their server (http://www.suse.de). This version of a Live CD has the 
 >advantage, that it stores its configuration files on a Windows 
 >partition, so after a reboot, all cofigurationi files are still there, 
 >even though you did not install Linux but start directly from CDROM.

Sorry, I could not find Live CD on the SuSE portal. Anyway, i do not have
broad band here, to quickly download the iso image and test it.  
Can you point me at a description page, please? 

Does Live CD contain the most important network services for a school?

Would it be possible to add custom educational application to that iso?

Is Live CD a knoppix-like cd? (that kind of solution would be very useful,
since it allows students to recover at home the same set up they had in 
classroom for their homworks). 

thank you 