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[Devel] [Forwarded:] libpam-ldap configuration questions in Skolelinux pr40

Dear friends,

Earlier today I sent this email, but the email address was faulty.

Since that (faulty) email address is repeated even in the message body,
please do not repeat my error. :-)

The rest of the info in the original email is believed to be correct.

Best regards
Per Harald

--- Begin Message ---
Hello friends,

When installing from a pr40 CD and also when doing an
"apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade"
after Skolelinux pr40 was released, you will get configuration questions
for libpam-ldap. This a bug.

Here are the configuration questions and the answers you must supply, in
order to have a well-functioning configuration afterwards:

Q1. LDAP Server host

Default answer supplied: "ldap"
Edit this to read only "ldap"

Q2. Distinguished name

Default answer supplied: "ou=People,dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no"
Accept the default.

Q3. LDAP version to use:

Alternatives: 3 2
Answer 3.

Q4. Make local root Database admin?

Alternatives: Yes or No
Answer "No"

Q5. Database requires logging in.

Alternatives: Yes or No
Answer "No"

Q6. Local crypt to use when changing passwords.

Alternatives: exop, clear, crypt, nds, ad
Answer "exop"


The configuration dialog is finished.

Petter Reinholdsen was worried the line 'ssl start_tls' would be missing
from /etc/pam_ldap.conf

This was NOT the case on my system, but you should probably check.

Now check that your configuration is good, e.g. by trying a login using

If this succeeds, you are probably home free.

In not, you could rerun the configration dialog using the command:

dpkg-reconfigure libpam-ldap

If problems prevail, get help on IRC or by email to


Per Harald Westby
Sildråpevegen 10D, NO-7048 Trondheim, Norway
Email: mailto:per.h.westby@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +47 73912964, Mobile (GSM): +47 92239622

--- End Message ---
Per Harald Westby
Sildråpevegen 10D, NO-7048 Trondheim, Norway
Email: mailto:per.h.westby@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +47 73912964, Mobile (GSM): +47 92239622