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[Devel] All questions in Skolelinux installation available in Bokmål

It is with great pleasure I can announce that the last questions in
the Skolelinux installation are translated to Norwegian Bokmål.  The
last two questions were the root password prompt.

I've made a new version of the passwd package (CVS copy in
skolelinux/src/rebuilds/shadow/) with the needed translations, and
this made it possible to install Skolelinux with only localized
questions.  :)

The debian package do not use the .po format, so it is a pain to
translate.  I hope newer versions of the package will be converted to
use .po files.

There are still some languages missing translations, and a few texts
that need translations as well (dpkg and apt come to mind. :), but I
expect these to be fixed too.