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Re: [Devel] Recommended mapings: æ->ae, ø->oe, å->aa

mandag 28. juli 2003, 14:48, skrev Petter Reinholdtsen:
> You seem to have strayed quite a long way away from the initial
> question, which was how we should construct user names.

Dette er en skinnuenighet (i dont have the englis words). Here is the
long answer:

It's to easy to reinstate the original closed and value oriented
question just because of technological limitations. UNINETT
recommended us to use Norwegian letters in all applications 8 years
ago. Yes, the change of a lot of UNIX-code has to happen first, and it
will probably take at least 8 more years (after our time ;-).

But we cant lose our goal, and we have to take pupils real name in
account when doing Skolelinux usable for schools. Then with linguistic
freedom -- not limitations. When not permitting Norwegian letters (as
the technology prohibits it), then we have to explain this in a mannerly
and pedagogic way. We talk about at least 1/7 of the pupils and
teacher in Norway. That is around 100.000 persons that has to be
thought this right from the beginning.

We didn't do the user name thing right in Nittedal, and I was the
person who received the frustration out there ;-). In that respect I
need a pedagogic way to explain the subject for all the teachers as
they gonna learn the pupils this things -- and why we cant do i 
«right» in the first place :-). Remember the teathers comes from 
av world of Microsoft Windows 98, and they dont know what 
users are ...

- Knut