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Re: [Devel] import of userlist

[Finn-Arne Johansen]
> I've started to add support for adding user from file. I've got one
> sample with just "common names" for the users.

How does this format relate to the format used by webmin-users and
webmin-ldap-skolelinux2?  I suspect it is smart to try to use the same
format as webmin-users is using.  I believe the format used by
webmin-ldap-skolelinux2 is based on webmin-users.

Cerebrum, <URL:http://cerebrum.sourceforge.net/>, is using XML files
for import and export.  It might be an idea to check out those as

> What I've started is to add support for other columns, such as
> username, password, file groups. It should be no problem adding net
> groups also, but thats for later (I need to understand the concept
> first).

If you read the architecture document, you will notice that I wrote
that user groups should be represented as both filegroups and
netgroups.  I do not want to confuse the users with different types of
user groups.  Adding a user into a group should add him to both file
group and netgroup with the same name.