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Re: [Devel] German system specification

[Frank Matthieß]
> Based on a work of Hans Dietrioch Kirmse, we create a concept catalogue. 
> The url of the  english translation is
> 	http://www.skolelinux.de/wiki/BereitgestellteDiensteEN
> We want to discuss those issues with all developers of SL.

I had a look, and believe most of it is already covered in the current
Skolelinux.  I did however react to the strong belief in technical
sensorship expressed in the document.  I believe it is better to
control the used content using social and practical mechanism, like
making sure the screens are visible to everyone, and making the usage
rules known to all.  Web filtering is proven not to work, both failing
to block information that should be unavailable and to block
information that should be available.