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OpenAFS (was: Re: [Devel] LVM partitioning configuration?)

Am Wed, den 11 Jun hub Sven Tore Iversen folgendes in die Tasten:

> ..now I only wish for ACL integration (to better emulate Win NT user right
> management)

What do you think about OpenAFS?

It has *many* beautiful features:
* It's a network fs
* there exist clients for almost every operation system
* it can handle ACLs
* it can handle quotas
* you can build up a SAN-like environment with almost as many
  fileservers, as you want
* you can migrate data between the servers / make backups, while
  the system is running and no user will recognize it.

* No one need NFS anymore. :)
* Samba would only be needed for printing and browsing (WINS).

What do you think about this?

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