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[Devel] Discussion about german requirements


last thurstday(29.5.2003) we did a developer gathering in Güterloh.
The mainpart of that gathering was to talk about the roadmap to work on

Actually we are working on the requirement of the german part of
Skolelinux. At this point we missed the norwegian requirements, because
that isn't available in english, isn't it? This should help us to make
our requirements only on diffrent parts, hopefully most of them are

Actually we discussing a draftpaper of some very active teachers in our
german list. It's a pitty that some of them are not able to read or
write englich, because they grown up in easter german with Russian as
second language. So they have no chnace to communicate directly to you.

Our plan is to get a stable draft of our requirements and discuss that
in Oslo with you. We won't do a fork of Skolelinux, we wan't to
integrate our requirement in Skolelinux. At this point we need your
opinions about our requirements.

In the next few weeks before Oslo, i will send the so far committed
requirements to this list, that we can start to discuss about the topics
step by step.

The actual structure of the requirementdraft is:

1. Administration requirements
 1.1 Serversetup
 1.2 Useradministration
 1.3 Internetaccess
 1.4 Backup/Restore
 1.5 Serverhealth Adminstration
2. Service requirements
 2.1 Standard services
  2.1.1 Proxyserver
  2.1.2 Webserver 
  2.1.3 Mailserver
  2.1.4 Fileserver
  2.1.5 Printserver
  2.1.6 CD-ROM Server
 2.2 Optional services
  2.2.1 Listserver
  2.2.2 Newsserver
  2.2.3 Administration of the schoolhomepage
  2.2.4 Databaseserver
 2.3 Workgroup services
  2.3.1 WikiWiki server
  2.3.2 CVS Server
  2.3.3 Schoolportal as intranetservice

Most of them seems to be already ok, but we need to check our
requirements against Skolelinux and develop our german extension, which
should be integrate to the main distribution. Hopefully this is usefull
also for other europians. All parts will be translate to english on the
next weeks so we can go into it.

Frank Matthieß                                               frankm@xxxxxxxxxx

Unix   : Your riffle, your bullet, your feet, your choice.
Windows: Same as Unix, but no choice.