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[Devel] [Fwd: debain based schoolserver/client system]

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Frank Matthieß <Frank@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Herman Robak <hermanr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Kurt Gramlich <k3r@xxxxxxx>
Subject: debain based schoolserver/client system
Date: 15 Dec 2002 14:14:03 +0100

Hello Herman,

we - a group of hackers, teachers, students and admins - are intrested
in your project of buildung a schoolaware debian based

As you see(.de), we are german people, which able to communicate also in
english. We are very intrested to help/participate to this project.

Are there a chance to someone of the group to translate the webpages to
english, and for i18n and base development to make a maillinglist in
english? This should be helpfull from a european/international view.

We dont want to reenvent the wheel, and makeing this projekt
international will help you developing and testing the concepts and

What can we do to make your project international?


Frank Matthieß                                             Frank@xxxxxxxxxxxx