Support for Sámi languages in Linux's products At a meeting on 5 October 2002, the Sámi Parliamentary Council, a joint body representing the Sámi parliaments in Finland, Norway and Sweden adopted a document defining: "Requirements for support for Sámi languages in data processing". This document was adopted after comprehensive consultations with Sámi institutions, ministries, the computer industry and standards bodies in the respective countries. In a joint statement from a meeting in Helsinki on 13 November 2002, the ministers responsible for Sámi affairs in Finland, Norway and Sweden and the Presidents of the respective Sámi Parliaments endorsed the document, stating inter alia: The computer industry is urged to heed the Council's document as well as existing standards and immediately initiate efforts to introduce support for Sámi languages in its products. The authorities, institutions and organisations concerned ought to demand support for Sámi languages in their IT purchases. This statement is referred to in its entirety in the enclosed document "Krav om střtte for samiske sprĺk innen databehandling" (Requirements for support for the Sámi languages in data processing). Till now, the Sámi Parliament and other users of Sámi written languages have had to turn to third-party suppliers for support for Sámi languages. We feel the need to emphasise that the time has long been ripe for Linux, one of the world's leading software vendors, to take the responsibility for implementing a Sámi character set in its products, and request that Linux carry out this implementation as soon as possible. We would also like to remind you of the report "Samisk tegnsett og IT- Sámi čálamearkačoahkki ja IT"(Sámi character set and IT) published by the Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, which discusses the issues involving the Sámi character set. We enclose a copy of this report. The Sámi Parliament wishes to engage in a positive dialog with Linux among other reasons to be apprised of the misgivings that underlie Linux's failure to implement Sámi languages in its products as well as any possibilities that exist for finding a solution. We would be happy to meet with your company regarding this matter. Dearvuo°aiguin / Sincerely, Heidi Salmi Director Per Edvard Klemetsen Enclosures: 1. Requirements for support of Sami languages in data processing - Gáibádus sámegiela sáhttit geavahit dihtoris - Krav om střtte for samiske sprĺk innen databehandling - Vaatimus tietojenkäsittelyn saamenkielisestä tuesta 2. Samisk tegnsett og IT - Sámi čálamearkačoahkki ja IT - rapport fra arbeidsgruppe (Sámi character set and IT - task force report) Copies with enclosures are being sent to: Sámi Parliament FIN- 99870 Anár Sámi Parliament Bergmästaregatan 6 S - 98133 Kiruna Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development Department of Saami and Minority Affairs. Postboks 8112 Dep N-0032 Oslo The Swedish Government Offices Ministry of Education Finland Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Meritullinkatu 10 S 103 33 Stockholm Helsinki PL 29 FIN Valtionneuvosto Red Hat UK Regional Headquarters 10 Alan Turing Road Surrey Research Park Guildford Surrey GU2 7YF UK Direktřra Direktřren Kautokeinoveien 50 N-9730 Káráşjohka/Karasjok Telefovdna (47) 78 47 40 00 Telefáksa (47) 78 47 40 90 NO 974 760 347 ÁŞŞEMEANNUDEADDJI/SAKSBEHANDLER DIN čUJ./DERES REF. MIN čUJ./VĹR REF. BEAIVI/DATO Per Edvard Klemetsen, 78 47 41 50 01 / 850 - 59 21.11.2002