User Admin Meeting at Ulsrud 2003-11-15 11:32 The goal of UA is to releive the sysadm from daily task such as maintain users, groups, etc. The people closer to the students should have the task of maintainng the users. The Admin staff should have the task of adding users about 50% of the schools uses some sort of system wheere we might import student data. The rest is using excel, (which we also may use) On a long term plan we want to provide some system for Automatic Student Administration. That's something for 2.0+ We want Skolelinux to be compliant with FEIDE. Feide is a system which takes care of "Person" - not "username". Feide is implemented on 4 Universities in NOrway. And will provide common "logon", but is not centralized. That means when andreas @ will log in on the dialup service at uit, he ill be authenticated at SATS - used at high-school and a few Primary schools. Data from Sats is imported into Cerebrum Data from Cerebrum should be imported to our UserAdmin BAS - Person handling system, and ldap service, and is some kind of daemon service where you get the rights of the person. Cerebrum is UIO reference implementation of BAS The system at UIO feeds Cerebrum with data from 3 system. Student registration Employee /payroll system Manual Data from Cerebrum is fed to authentication system, like ldap, printer quotas, notes, Active Directory, fronter, .... Data such as which class a pupil is in is fed from School admin System to Cerebrum, and then Cerebrum will need to do some automagic things. But we need to be able to do day to day task like adding file vendor visiting, changing passwords. etc.