Running Ubuntu 5.04 as a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation

WARNING! This is not official, just some work I did to experiment.

I do not recomend to use it in production. This is not a good way of doing things, It's just an ugly hack.

 - Jarle O. Vågen, Tue May 31 2005

All below is done on the ubuntu workstation, except the netgroup step which can be done from any browser.

  1. Install Ubuntu 5.04
  2. modify '/etc/apt/sources.list' to include universe
    the 'libnss-ldap' package is in universe
  3. Run 'apt-get update'
  4. Run 'apt-get install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap autofs autofs-ldap nfs-common'
    I just accepted the standard values in the configuration, since I'm going to use config files from a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation later.
  5. replace the file '/etc/libnss-ldap.conf' with a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation '/etc/libnss-ldap.conf'
  6. replace the file '/etc/pam_ldap.conf' with a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation '/etc/pam_ldap.conf'
  7. replace the file '/etc/nsswitch.conf' with a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation '/etc/nsswitch.conf'
  8. replace the directory '/etc/ldap/' with a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation '/etc/ldap/'
  9. replace the directory '/etc/pam.d/ with a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation '/etc/pam.d'
    make symbolic links for gdm and xscreensaver (tips: look at kdm and kscreensaver).
  10. Run 'mkdir /tjener'
  11. remove the file '/etc/auto.master'
  12. replace the file '/etc/default/autofs' with a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation '/etc/default/autofs'
  13. replace the file '/etc/init.d/autofs' with a Skolelinux 1.0 workstation '/etc/init.d/autofs'
    I don't know what goes wrong with the ubuntu version, but the slx version works with slx mainserver.
  14. put your ubuntu workstation in the workstation netgroup, using WLUS ('https://tjener.intern:10000')
  15. Run '/etc/init.d/autofs restart'