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Re: [Devel] Samba

torsdag 5. juni 2003, 01:39, skrev Maximilian Wilhelm:
> As i did not find a discussion about handling Samba-support in
> skolelinx in the archive of this mailinglist, I'm interested
> what is actually done, what is planned with Samba and how I
> can help :)

This is a three-way question.

-- Skolelinux uses LDAP/NSS/PAM to autentification and 
  autorisation. The LDAP-service should regulate 
  print-quota's for pupils. It also support Mac- and 
  Windows-integration with samba. 

-- A total of 9 students has already made a user-interface and 
  the underlaying service with LDAP-chema. It is crucial that 
  the teatcher has a good and easy user-interface for
 administrating users. 2 students has done the Mac- and 


-- Strangely enoug the group that made the new user-interface 
   for user administration dident use CVS befor the two last 
   weeks of their project. Because of that the two students  
   who made the mac- and windows-integration integrated 
   their soloution to the old system for user administration. 
   Thats becaus they dident have the code.

What has to be done to make this work propperly?

1. Fix the bugs in the new user-administration interface 
(see the list I have translated from bugs.skolelinux.no)

2. Integrate the news samba-solution with the new 
  user-admin-tool (the samba-solution must be mantained
  because it's a newer version than the version in Debian woody). 

We have to prioritise. And the number 1. bug comes before 2. :-)


* New system for user-administration (version 2) (6 show stop)
   Made by 9 students from Norwegian Information Technology 
   University College and Gjøvik University College. It needs 
   a lot of bugfixing, integration and probbly future refactoring.

100 l nobody@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW Misses a god enough 
-- (19.03.2003) priority is increased to cirtical befor releasing 
  Skolelinux version 1.0

209 l ole.dahl@xxxxxx NEW NSS-LDAP misses support for 
-- (15.05.2003) Versjon 207-1 of libnss-ldap is in the 

213 l runesk@xxxxxxxxx ASSI LDAP/PAM sends password 
  uncrypted on the school-net. 
--  (23.05.2003) Newly changes has fixed this and ssl 
  works ;-) It has to be rechecked ...

268 l eivind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW Hasent poibility to 
 make goups of users (misses gid and uid)
--  (19.03.2003)  priority is increased to cirtical befor releasing 
  Skolelinux version 1.0

258 l eivind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx NEW Hasent webmin-support for 
  filegroups in LDAP
-- (20.03.2003) Webmin-module for user administration of 
  the users in LDAP hasent support for updating filegrups. 
-- Hopfully Evind would program this (but we don't know 
   if he has time enough). 

330 l andread@xxxxxxxxx NEW Symlink from slapd.conf 
 to slapd-skolelinux.conf isent ok. 
-- (24.04.2003) should we close the bug, or set it to 
  worksforme, or wontfix, or should it stay open?

mvh Knut Yrvin
elected project leader (for the Norwegian team)