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Re: [Devel] state of devel.skolelinux.no website and doc translation

On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 09:22, cobaco wrote:

> three fixmes:
> + gjørokratiet 

 do-it-ocracy (do -cracy, ruling by doing)

It is a made-up word.  We should have a catchy English
term for it.  Preferably a noun.  "Do-it-yourself" is
not a noun, and carries a different meaning.

 What it means:
Those who do something, and deliver, decide.
Your actions and results is your vote.

 It is quite far from traditional democracy,
because being able to voice your opinion or raise
your hand does not give you any power.  If you
want something, you have to _do_ something.

> + Samisk opsett

 Sami setup/configuration.

 Herman Robak